Magazine Genres List
- Animals & Pets
- Antiques & Collectibles
- Arts
- Art & Photography
- Auto & Cycles
- Business & Finance
- Children
- Computers & Electronics
- Cooking, Food & Beverage
- Crafts
- Cultural
- Education
- Enrichment
- Entertainment & TV
- Ethnic
- Fashion & Style
- General Interest
- General News (newspaper)
- Health & Fitness
- History
- Hobbies
- Home & Gardening
- Humor
- International
- Lifestyle
- Literacy
- Local & Regional
- Medical
- Medical Reference Journals
- Men’s
- Music
- News & Politicis
- Parenting
- Pet
- Psychology
- Religion
- Rider and Driver
- Science & Nature
- Sports & Recreation
- Tech
- Teen Interests
- Travel
- Wild
- Women’s
Scholarly (or Academic Journals)
- Accounting Journals
- African Studies Journals
- Anarchist Periodicals
- Anthropology Journals
- Arachnology Journals
- Astronomy Journals
- Bioethics Journals
- Bioinformatics Journals
- Biology Journals
- Botany Journals
- Chemistry Journals
- Computer science Journals
- Dental Journals
- Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Journals
- Economics Journals
- Education Journals
- Educational Psychology Journals
- Engineering Journals and Magazines
- Entomology Journals
- Environmental Economics Journals
- Environmental Journals
- Environmental Social Science Journals
- Ethics Journals
- Fluid Mechanics Journals
- Forestry Journals
- Healthcare Journals
- History Journals
- Humanities Journals
- Humor Research publications
- Information Systems Journals
- Intellectual Property Law Journals
- International Business Journals
- International Law Journals
- International Relations Journals
- Law Journals
- Law Reviews in the United States
- Linguistics Journals
- Literary Magazines
- Logic Journals
- Materials Science Journals
- Mathematics Education Journals
- Mathematics Journals
- Medical and Health Informatics Journals
- Medical Journals
- Music and Musicology Journals
- Mycology Journals
- Nursing Journals
- Ornithology Journals
- Pharmaceutical Sciences Journals
- Philosophy Journals
- Physics Journals
- Planning Journals
- Political science Journals
- Probability Journals
- Psychiatry Journals
- Psychology Journals
- Psychotherapy Journals
- Public Administration Journals
- Public Relations Journals
- Scientific Journals
- Sexology Journals
- Slavic Studies Journals
- Social Science Journals
- Sociology Journals
- Statistics Journals
- Systems Science Journals
- Theology Journals
- Women’s Studies Journals
- Zoology Journals
- Advertising
- Aerospace Industry
- Arts and Cultural Industries
- Computer Industry
- Construction Industry
- Consumer Electronics
- Customer Service
- Electronics
- Fashion Industry
- Film Industry
- Financial Services Industry
- Food and Drink
- Fresh Produce
- Gaming Industry
- Law
- Media
- Manufacturing Trades
- Music Industry
- Packaging
- Publishing and Book Trade
- Retailing
- Technical Trades
Got Something for Magazine Genres List?
Magazines are a great way to keep up with the news and stay entertained, but they often do more than that. Depending on their topics, magazines can give you in-depth knowledge about a subject and provide insights into different areas of life. They can be an excellent source of information that you might not otherwise get exposed to.
A magazine can come in several different formats.
There are a lot of different formats that magazines can take on. Magazines can be printed, they can be digital, or they can be a combination of both. A few examples of the many different formats are:
Print magazine -magazines that are printed, usually in color. These have become less popular as time goes on but still have their place in the market. Magazines like National Geographic and Time are great examples of this format.
Digital magazines -magazines that are only available online via apps or websites (like Buzzfeed). These don’t require any printing costs because everything is done digitally! This format is growing steadily with new titles popping up all over the internet every day!
There are many different types of magazines.
*There are many different types of magazines.
*These include monthly news magazines, weekly supplements, and journals, academic journals, political magazines, and lifestyle magazines. There are also special interest magazines that cover a particular topic such as antiques or cooking.
*The type of magazine you choose to write for depends on your interests and the audience you want to reach.
Other magazines have a certain target group.
Other magazines have a certain target group. For example, some are targeted toward a specific profession or hobby. For example, if you’re interested in cars, then you may be more interested in reading about cars than something like food or fashion.
We hope you found this list helpful! If you have any suggestions for other types of magazines that we should cover or ways to improve our coverage of these topics, please leave us a comment below.